“Everyone has a plan ‘till they get punched in the mouth.”
That’s not a proverb coming out of the mouth of King Solomon, but boy can we relate. Right? We set out with high hopes, full of strength and enthusiasm. We feel our hearts coming alive. We can do it, we’re unstoppable and we know it... But then, at the blink of an eye, something happens and everything is just a blur. “What is going on? I thought I was over this already. I can’t believe this is happening….”
It is so easy to forget that we live in a world at war. That we need to keep our guard up at all times (1 Peter 5:8-9 MSG). And that in this world we will get punched in the mouth (John 16:33). That’s out of the question, no matter how surprising it seems every time it happens.
The right question is, what are you going to do now? Are you going to stay on the floor and wait for the ref to wave his hands and declare the TKO? Are you going to give up and give your enemy the pleasure of lifting his hands and smiling at the crowd while mocking you?
I know you won’t. You have been knocked down, but you won’t be knocked out. You will get up. You will remind your enemy of who you really are. You will let him know that he may throw his best at you but victory has already been declared in your favor. And you will remind him that every punch he throws your way will actually strengthen you, make you bolder, greater (Romans 8:28). And you will overcome him, for it is your loving Father who is training you, coaching you (Psalm 144:1). For your Mighty God is for you and not against you (Romans 8:31), for your freedom, and for His glory. Listen to His voice today:
“Get up, son. Let’s do this together. Keep your eyes on me.
You have what it takes. Victory is ours”.
Get up.