The battle for the human heart is quickly approaching its climax. The enemy of our souls has unleashed his most vicious assault against humanity, and particularly against the people of God. As a result, men and women are losing heart and families and communities are experiencing devastating consequences.

However, just like in any other point in history, God’s provision is much grater than the challenge at hand. And just like in any other chapter of His Epic Story, God is choosing to intervene and bring the fierceness of His Kingdom through the active participation of his friends and allies— those few willing to say yes and join him in the Great Battle for the human heart.

Who will fight for the hearts and lives of our wives and children? Who will fight for the brothers standing next to us? Who will fight for those in our local churches and communities? Who will step up to the challenge? Who will take their place in the Great Battle?

Just like in every good story— “the lives of many rest on the courage of a few”.

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying,
“Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
— Isaiah 6:8