Cancellation Policies
Cancellation by Registrant
You may cancel your registration and receive a refund of your registration fee up to 60 days prior to your chosen Commencement Date. However, you will be charged a $75 handling fee upon the cancellation of your registration. In the event that you cancel your registration within 60 days of your chosen Commencement Date, you will forfeit the entire registration fee. Regardless of when you cancel your registration, your registration is not transferable to another experience, event, date, or person.
Cancellation by WILDSONS
If the Online Experience is made impossible by any act of God, war, earthquake, fire, strike, sickness, accident, epidemic, act of government, its agencies or officers, or any other legitimate cause beyond our control, we will cancel the Online Experience and refund your full event registration fee to you. We also reserve the right to cancel the event as a result of any of its employees or leaders’ inability to participate in the Online Experience if we decide, in our sole discretion, that cancellation is necessary under the circumstances. If we do decide to cancel the Online Experience for any reason, we will refund your full registration fee to you. WILDSONS will not be responsible for refunding any other expense incurred in association with your registration for the Online Experience.
WILDSONS release, waiver, and assumption of risk
This is a legally binding release, waiver, and assumption of risk made by me to WILDSONS, (including any of its employees, coaches or leaders, "WILDSONS"). I wish for myself to be join and fully participate in the Online Experience.
I understand that I am not required to participate in any activities, but that I freely choose to do so, despite the possible emotional or psychological dangers and risks and despite this release, waiver, and assumption of risk. I hereby assume all risks from my participation in the Online Experience.
In partial consideration (in addition to monies paid to WILDSONS for the opportunity to participate in the Online Experience, including receiving assistance, training, guidance and/or instruction from WILDSONS, I agree, on behalf of my family, heirs, and personal representative(s), to assume all risks and responsibilities surrounding my participation. To the maximum extent permitted by law, I release and indemnify WILDSONS, and their respective trustees, officers, employees, and agents, from and against any and all liability, actions, debts, claims, and demands of every kind whatsoever, specifically including any claim for negligence or negligent acts or omissions and any present or future claim, loss, or liability or injury to person or property that I may suffer, or for which I may be liable to any other person, that may or does arise out of my participation in the Online Experience..
I acknowledge that prior to signing this release, waiver, and assumption of risk, I have had an adequate opportunity to read and understand it, and any questions I have had have been answered to my satisfaction.
By signing this form I agree to use my best judgment in participating in the Online Experience, and to faithfully adhere to all safety instructions and recommendations, whether oral or written. I hereby certify that I am a competent adult assuming these risks of my own free will, being under no compulsion or duress.
(Some WILDSONS events will be filmed and then offered as video or audio resources.) I hereby grant the right to photograph me and to record my voice, poses, actions, and appearances on film, digital media or otherwise, and to use my picture, photograph, silhouette and other reproductions of my physical likeness in connection with the above-referenced event. I agree that this organization, in their sole discretion, may edit and otherwise alter the Production and that the Production may be used in whole or in part for any and all broadcasting, webcasting, audio-video products for distribution, promotional and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. I further grant the right to reproduce in any manner whatsoever any recordings including all instrumental, musical, or other sound effects produced by me, in connection with the Production.
I understand that there will be no financial or other remuneration for the organization’s authorized use of my physical likeness and sound in the Production as described above. Additionally, I agree that I will not assert or maintain against the organization, and/or its successors, assigns and licensees, any claim, action, suit, or demand of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to those based upon theories of invasion of privacy, rights of publicity, or other civil rights, or for any reason in connection with its authorized use of my physical likeness and sound in the Production as herein provided.
I represent that I have the right to grant to the organization those rights described in this Release Form, and that my performance and the rights I have granted herein will not conflict with or violate any commitment or understanding I have with any other person or entity.
I hereby certify and represent that I am over Eighteen years of age and have read the foregoing and fully understand the meaning and effect thereof.
Last revision: 7/20/2023