WILDSONS Fires.png

Help us fan the flame of a growing movement of men in Georgia

Your support can help us fight for a new generation of men coming fully alive and becoming the men, husbands, fathers and leaders God created them to be.


It started with just a few men trekking out to Colorado to attend a WILDSONS Muster event and then gathering around a campfire back home in Georgia.

Since then, and for the past four years, 39 men—friends of those initial few—have adventured out to a Muster event in Colorado, and over 100 men have attended WILDSONS campfires here in Georgia.

Last month, we witnessed over 100 men pack a theater here in Atlanta to watch a documentary on Pablo, the founder of WILDSONS, and his story of redemption. They asked jaw-dropping questions that showed the deep longing in their hearts for more.

More importantly, there are countless stories of transformation—stories of hearts coming alive, stories of marriages and families experiencing a new—the real—man fighting for the hearts of his wife and children.

“I recovered my joy and passion. I have clarity of purpose again. My heart is on fire.”
“My wife and kids are eternally thankful. They say they love the man that I am becoming.”

God is on the move... Men here in Georgia are longing to experience freedom and live with passion from a full heart as men. To thrive in marriage, fatherhood, leadership, and life. To enjoy life in union with God and become all He created them to be—all of this in the context of true brotherhood.

INTO 2025

For 2025, we will continue to have priority access to WILDSONS events.

In addition, WILDSONS will create a new video-based experience that will help us bring new men into this journey.

They will also start a leadership development program that will help us raise up a group of leaders here in Georgia to continue fighting for the hearts of men and strengthening our growing community.

Let’s keep the wildfire spreading!

God has put in our hearts the desire for our growing community in Georgia to support WILDSONS with a gift of $39,000 (or more!) between now and the end of the year.

And we need your help!

Will you consider supporting these ongoing efforts so that more men in Georgia can become the men, husbands, fathers, and leaders God created us to be?

Thank you for your generosity!

You can schedule your tax-deductible donation via credit card or wire transfer. Recurrent donations can edited or canceled at any time. Wildsons is a DBA of Wldforce, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, EIN 82-5149878. All the contributions are tax deductible.

“I have come that they may have life and have it to the full”

— Jesus of Nazareth
[John 10:10]